🚺 Today, November 25, is designated by the UN as "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women." It is as necessary to get closer to that goal every day as it is to celebrate the progress and that is why here we join those who, like you, in each decision reflect your hopes, not your fears. Here you will always have us to encourage you, accompany you and celebrate each gesture, project and victory.
📬 In this newsletter we want to link past, present and future with a campaign to investigate the dimension of sexist violence, a second that analyzes the noise that runs through the networks to distinguish reliable messages from those that are not and a third to help to restore the feminist monument located in front of the courts of the city of Manresa, whose name is as apt as "Monument of the Future".

🚺 Sexist violence has been a scourge in our society for too long and we still don't really know its scope or magnitude. DatosContraelRuido was born with the mission of investigating the dimension of sexist violence in our country, since until now, there was not enough data available to know the size of this problem.
💻 In the data laboratory, this team of technologists, through BigData and OpenData, releases data from official sources, monitors, orders, publishes and creates visualizations to understand the presence and evolution of sexist violence.
✅ DatosContraelRuido already published in May 2020 more than 25 visualizations and 40 datasets. The challenge is to publish 2 more indicators and reach 80 datasets. Join in DatosContraElRuido.
#LetsVerifyTheElections 🗳

🧿 In Verificat they will also analyze the "noise" that runs through the networks to distinguish which are the reliable messages from those that are not. In this case, they will verify that the population is not manipulated in these next Catalan elections.
👥 Access to government bodies is key for legislation that advances the rights of women and this initiative will verify the electoral campaign and monitor all parties and candidates so that they do not lie to us with promises based on misleading statements, whether or not the parties politicians are doing it intentionally as if not.
🙋 If you too want to participate in an honest and fact-based debate, which is what we citizens deserve, collaborate on #LetsVerifyTheElections!
Monument of the Future 👧

👧 This Monument of the Future is located in front of the Manresa court and condemns the current sentences for sexual assaults, but it also represents the courage and courage of all women.
💥 The monument was vandalized a few days after being inaugurated and therefore this crowdfunding: because we must not give up and we want to replace the sculpture with a much more resistant material.
🤗 "Many small people, in small places, by doing small things, can change the world." Do it in Monument of the Future and be part of the solution.

🧰 Are you #cooperative and/or entity of the Social and Solidarity Economy #ESS looking to finance yourself through #crowdfunding?
💼 From Fundación Goteo and with the support of Ministry of Labor and Social Economy (Government of Spain), we offer two free workshops for you
📝 Sign up for Crowdfunding for #ESS.
Impact of Covid19 on SSE! 🦠

📊 For the sixth consecutive year, the entities of the REAS Network of networks and the Solidarity Economy present data on their activity and report on the social, environmental and good governance impact of the Solidarity Economy.
🧮 This session will present the data on the internal consumption of the sector and the results of the impact of Covid19 on the fabric of the SSE. In addition there will be a table to make visible good practices and experiences of the sector where from Fundación Goteo we will present the results of our Coronazero Channel.
Crowdfunding+Matchfunding ✊

🗓 On December 3, Olivier Schulbaum will give training on matchfunding to European local and regional development agencies under the title: Multiplying regional institutions impact with the crowd: Crowdfunding & Matchfunding for social and civic innovation projects.
ℹ️ Impulsed by ImpAct Agencies intends to reshape and make more efficient, through the Twinning Advanced methodology, a set of services to support BICs and incubators.
🌐 Through an open social innovation model, the project will allow BICs and incubators to support social impact SMEs and entrepreneurs to achieve a better impact and play an active role within the local social innovation ecosystem. More info here.
Webinar Cámara de Sevilla

🗓 Are you looking for "Tools for the design and communication of a successful crowdfunding campaign"? Well, that is the title of the next online seminar organized by the Seville Chamber of Commerce together with Platoniq that we will celebrate on December 2. You still have time to participate!
☀️ In the morning, Roberto Nello and Chiara Rutolo will give all the keys to launch your project: Channels, Storytelling, creative rewards, dissemination strategies, campaign planning and much more.
➡️ All the information here.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!