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7th EMES Research Conference Solidarity Fund

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  • Ubicación Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield, UK
Archivado el 30 / 04 / 2019
$ 67,395
$ 185,570
$ 296,912
74 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 218

    With a little help from my friends

    We will mention your name on the event website to show our appreciation for your support.

    > 12 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 546

    We're going to be friends

    You will receive a personal thank you note from the beneficiaries and we will mention your name on the event website.

    > 21 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 1,092

    You've got a friend in me

    Your name will appear on the event website and you will receive the Conference materials as well as a note from the beneficiaries and from us. Shipping expenses included via regular mail.

    > 10 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 1,637

    Lean on me

    All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online (see here the selection from the previous Conference).

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 2,183

    Stand by me

    All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online, and in our Conference Report.

    > 03 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 4,366

    You're my best friend

    All of the above described rewards and you will get one year's complimentary membership of the EMES International Research Network for a researcher of your choice. You can learn more about EMES membership here.

    > 04 Cofinanciadores

A slow start, but the total is now creeping up...

06 | 04 | 2019

A big thank you everyone who has given so far. We've posted information far and wide across our social networks and in our universities. Last Friday, I talked about the conference and campaign on Sheffield Live Radio (which goes out to 45,000 people). However, our key audience is academic communities - those places in which we are all embedded. We are reliant on word about our campaign passing around academic networks, so please tell your co-authors, colleagues, supervisors, journal editor friends (anyone with 'reach') about the EMES Solidarity Fund. Some co-operative and social enterprise media outlets have picked up the story. Co-op News (based in Manchester, England) posted the story to their website, and this was reposted by Social Enterprise UK. I saw 15 'Shares' in a short space of time on Facebook so UK social enterprise networks have been spreading the word. Anca Voinea (the Coop News journalist who wrote the story) speaks French, Spanish and Romanian.

Could you help her post something in French, Spanish or Romanian to a media outlet in your country, or translate her story for a media outlet?

Lauren, a PhD Candidate at Gordon Institute of Business Science in Johannesburg, is a case that illustrates why the fund is important. She had her paper accepted to EMES but cannot commit to booking yet because of unexpected circumstances. She's waiting on news that will enable her to attend, but is now worried about higher costs after missing the early bird deadline. Lauren presented before - early in her study - and wants to share her findings. We want to hear them. Your contributions give her some reassurance but still we need a lot more.

Thank you again for your contribution. Keep going with tweeting, posting and sharing. Let's bring Lauren from South Africa to our conference.

Prof Rory Ridley-Duff
Co-Chair, 7th EMES Conference


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