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With a little help from my friends
We will mention your name on the event website to show our appreciation for your support.
> 12 Cofinanciadores
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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7th EMES Research Conference Solidarity Fund
We will mention your name on the event website to show our appreciation for your support.
You will receive a personal thank you note from the beneficiaries and we will mention your name on the event website.
Your name will appear on the event website and you will receive the Conference materials as well as a note from the beneficiaries and from us. Shipping expenses included via regular mail.
All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online (see here the selection from the previous Conference).
All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online, and in our Conference Report.
All of the above described rewards and you will get one year's complimentary membership of the EMES International Research Network for a researcher of your choice. You can learn more about EMES membership here.
It was not an easy decision to take but in the end, the organizing team of the 7th EMES Conference made an additional effort to launch a travel fund based on solidarity.
Unfortunately, one week away from the first deadline, the EMES Solidarity Fund may not reach its minimum goal to be financed.
Despite the 38 people who have supported this fund, we have only reached 18% of the total goal and there are only 7 days left.
One week that, if we all contribute a little bit, may confirm the point of this Solidarity Fund: that there is plenty of solidarity to allow colleagues coming from other countries usually under-represented in international academic events to come and share their research. Let's make it happen!
Please act now and donate here (don't postpone it: a week goes by REALLY fast!).
If you share this post with your closer colleagues and share it on your social media, it would be an important boost as well.
We know it is hard to achieve at this point but we thank you so much in advance for your help!
Rocío Nogales
On behalf of the Solidarity Fund campaign team
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With a little help from my friends
We will mention your name on the event website to show our appreciation for your support.
> 12 Cofinanciadores
We're going to be friends
You will receive a personal thank you note from the beneficiaries and we will mention your name on the event website.
> 21 Cofinanciadores
You've got a friend in me
Your name will appear on the event website and you will receive the Conference materials as well as a note from the beneficiaries and from us. Shipping expenses included via regular mail.
> 10 Cofinanciadores
Lean on me
All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online (see here the selection from the previous Conference).
> 02 Cofinanciadores
Stand by me
All of the above described rewards and your name will appear in the inside pages of the Conference Selected Papers published online, and in our Conference Report.
> 03 Cofinanciadores
You're my best friend
All of the above described rewards and you will get one year's complimentary membership of the EMES International Research Network for a researcher of your choice. You can learn more about EMES membership here.
> 04 Cofinanciadores