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Capturing Fashion in the 20th Century with Frieda Dauphin-Verhees' Study Collection

  • Aportando $ 0

    A special treatment by MoMu!

    In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June, you will receive a special tour by MoMu curator ....

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 0

    An evening at MoMu and an exclusive tour by our director Kaat Debo

    Thank you so much! In addition to an invitation to our festive evening on 1 June you will receive a very exclusive tour by MoMu director Kaat Debo.

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 220

    Nueva recompensa individual

    Thank you! Your name will be mentioned in the credits of the educational film and in the online archive of the study collection.

    > 10 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 551

    An evening at MoMu - 1 June 2017

    To thank you for you donation you are invited to a festive evening at MoMu on 1 juni 2017, from 19.00h. You get free access to the exhibitions, and two drinks offered by MoMu.

    > 23 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 882

    Workshop - Make your own millstone collar!

    Let’s bring fashion history even closer! Make your own millstone collar during this workshop with Mariëlla Devos, the coordinator of the Design Faculty of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. During this workshop you will learn how to design and execute your own contemporary millstone collar. The workshop will take place on the 14th and the 19th of October 2017 at MoMu in Antwerp.

    > 15 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 2,205

    Adopt a piece in the study collection

    Adopt a piece in the study collection. Your name will be mentioned on the label attached to the piece and connected to the object in the online archive. You will also receive by email a high quality photograph of the piece you have adopted.

    > 27 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando $ 22,049

    Become a Maecenas for the Study Collection!

    Get aknowledged as maecenas of the Study Collection. In return we mention you (as person or company) as sponsor of our initative on our website, folder and link your name (as patron) to a specific artifact of our collection. For the Belgian maecenas, we can also offer you a tax certificate via the King Baudouin Foundation. Moreover, you get our eternal gratitude and make a difference!

    > 00 Cofinanciadores

Sobre este proyecto

Captando la moda del siglo XX a través de la colección de estudio de Frieda Verhees. Después de recoger objetos de moda durante casi toda su vida, la profesora de diseño de vestuario Frieda Verhees decidió donar una parte de su impresionante archivo

Necesidades Material Mínimo Óptimo
Expenses for storage of the collection of Frieda Verhees
Storage expenses should cover the acquisition of boxes, clothing hangers, supports, covers, etc. These materials enable proper storage of the collection of Frieda an enable long term preservation of her archive. We will acquire material to properly store the selected objects in MoMu, but also invest in the overall improvement of storage conditions of the collection at Frieda's home.
$ 22,049
Acquisition of a video camera
In order to record the history behind the artefacts, MoMu wants to buy a good quality video camera. Footage will be used to document the selected objects and explain the rich story that Frieda has to tell about fashion in the 20th Century. We want to acquire an all-round camera that is able to work under limited lighting conditions and is able to zoom in order to reveal the great details of the costume objects. Camera Specs: Nikon D5600 (body) (775€) - Nikon AF-S 24-70mm F/2.8 G ED (Lens) (€1800)
$ 56,776
Necesidades Tarea Mínimo Óptimo
Professional photo shoot of the artefacts
We want to organize a photo shoot, capturing the individual objects that will become part of the study collection. We estimate 3 days of shooting, capturing approximately 200 objects.
$ 46,413
Make an educational video on 20th Century fashion for secondary eduction
Based on the selection of objects from Frieda's archive and all collected footage, we want to produce a documentary on 20th Century fashion, targeting Secondary Education. This documentary can be viewed as a separate, stand-alone product, but can also be shown as an introduction for a visit to the study collection, enriching object based pedagogy.
$ 71,659
Setup and Development of a database + video plugin in OMEKA-S
Together with an external service provider, MoMu wants to setup and installation of a database (using OMEKA-S) for this project. This database will be developed using the Europeana DataModel as schema. MoMu will cover the hosting costs. The database will also contain a plugin for video so that the interviews of Frieda can link back to the objects in the study collection.
$ 158,753
Total $ 196,898 $ 355,650

Información general

Frieda Verhees es una diseñadora de vestuario que recolectó ropa y accesorios a lo largo de toda su vida. Su colección se compone de miles de objetos, desde vestidos de los años veinte y faldas de los años 50 hasta los trajes ejecutivos de los años 80.
Durante la carrera de Frieda como diseñadora de vestuario, estas piezas inspiraron su trabajo en el teatro. Más adelante en su vida, cuando Frieda enseñó el diseño del traje en la academia real de las artes Amberes, sus estudiantes investigaron la historia del traje usando su colección. Ahora que Frieda ya no enseña, está buscando un nuevo destino para el trabajo de su vida.

Frieda quiere darle su colección a MoMu, para que pueda seguir inspirando y educando a la gente. A través de crowdfunding, MoMu quiere recaudar los fondos para traer todas las piezas de Frieda dentro de la colección de estudio del museo para que pueda ser consultado por estudiantes, investigadores y diseñadores.

Para hacer la colección lo más accesible posible a cualquier persona y en cualquier lugar, MoMu quiere crear un archivo online (base de datos0 de las piezas, que contenga no sólo la información científica, sino también la historia de Frieda detrás de cada pieza.
Además, MoMu quiere contar la fascinante historia de Frieda y su colección, a través de una película educativa.
Por último pero no menos importante, MoMu tiene que mantener y conservar la colección en condiciones óptimas, para que se puede disfrutar de ella el mayor tiempo posible. Por lo tanto, MoMu necesita usar cajas especiales y bolsas de prendas de vestir que no dañen las telas.

Para agradecerle su ayuda MoMu ofrece una gama de recompensas, desde su nombre en los créditos de la película educativa hasta la adopción de una pieza de la colección. Si usted es un contribuyente belga también puede optar por recibir un certificado de exempción de impuestos. Los donantes belgas pueden optar por obtener un certificado fiscal (suministrado por la Fundación Rey Baudouin) que ha reconocido la colección de estudios como una iniciativa "filantrópica". Todos los regalos, a partir de 40 €, pueden obtener este certificado. Esta donación no puede realizarse a través de Goteo. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información en dieter.suls@momu.be.
El proyecto «Captando la moda del siglo XX a través de la Colección de estudio de Frieda Verhees» es una iniciativa conjunta de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Amberes y MoMu, En colaboración con la plataforma europea para el patrimonio cultural Europeana y plataforma crowdfunding Goteo.

Descripción del proyecto. Características, fortalezas y diferenciales.

The main objective of the project is to preserve the collection of Frieda Verhees in MoMu and to record her stories of fashion in the 20th Century. By making sure that everything developed for the project (database/digital files/documentary) will be made available under an open license, our initiative becomes re-useable in every sense. Also the database built in the open source system OMEKA-S, will be made available under an GNU General Public License, so it can be setup by others within their own institution. Since we use EDM as underlying datamodel, our initiative can easily be used by others to ingest new content into Europeana.

Motivación y a quién va dirigido el proyecto

After more than 30 years collecting, it is time to find a new home for the life work of Frieda Verhees. She has built a collection of thousands of objects and has used it to teach and inspire generations of designers. This project is a first step in preserving Frieda's work.

Also, object-based learning is an enriching and inspiring experience for students, but there are not many places where students can get direct access to those kind of materials. Most museum collections are not suitable/well organized for these purposes. Building a study collection, for direct consultation by users, overcomes some of these obstacles. With this project, we acquire a collection of objects that tell the story of 20th Century fashion. By organizing the collection per decade, the collection can be made available as 'a package' that can become part of a course, workshop or educational project.

Objetivos de la campaña de crowdfunding

On a short term MoMu wants to create an educational tool based on a rather small selection of objects from Frieda's archive. On a longer term, it is our aim to make a more extensive selection of objects available, covering more and other aspects of clothing in the 20th Century.

The tools/infrastructure developed with this crowdfunding are scaleable and shareable. So, everything can be re-used on a larger scale. Other institutions can re-use our efforts and, because of their intrinsic openness, build further upon them. By making use of EDM as data model the OMEKA-S database can be used for ingesting other content in Europeana.

Experiencia previa y equipo

This project is a joint initiative of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (dept. Costume Design) and MoMu. Frieda Verhees has taught at the Antwerp Academy by using her collection as a hands-on learning tool. For the Academy, Mariella Devos, who is the coordinator supervising the Design Faculty, will follow up the project.
For MoMu, Dieter Suls will coordinate the project. He has been project leader of the Europeana Fashion project and has also supervised another project regarding the establishment of a study collection in the library of MoMu.
Furthermore, Tobias Hendrickx will coordinate the creation and implementation of the database infrastructure and supervise all data related issues and digitization of the collection. Tobias has gained extensive experience in these matters during his work as technical coordinator for MoMu's digital strategy and Europeana Fashion.
Birgit Ansoms is librarian of MoMu and she has a Master degree in Conservation and Restoration Studies. She manages the Study Collection and will supervise the proper storage of the Frieda's collection and will enable the consultation of the collection by educational institutions.
Gabrielle De Pooter will handle communication and dissemination of the project and will manage events in order to attract attention from patrons. As former Communication Advisor for the Europeana Fashion project, and as fundraiser of the MoMu and coordinator of the friends organization of the museum (MoMu+Friends), she has a rich experience to build upon.

Compromiso social

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

  • Educación de calidad

    Garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos

  • Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

    Promover el crecimiento económico sostenido, inclusivo y sostenible, el empleo pleno y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos

  • Industria, innovación e infraestructuras

    Las inversiones en infraestructura son cruciales para lograr un desarrollo sostenible.

  • Producción y consumo responsables

    Garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles