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¡Fútbol para todxs!

Finished 01 / 07 / 2021
$ 57,156
$ 45,628
$ 125,751
67 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 262

    Appreciation + Invitation to participate in a training session

    What does this reward include?

    • Virtual thank you postcard

    • Invitation to participate in a training session

    • Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    • ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-12.01.03.png)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    Pietra: Solidarity Concert (max. 10 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 ticket to the Pietra live concert.
    • 1 postcard from Street Soccer Barcelona.
    • 1 beer.

    Date and Time:
    Saturday 12th of June from 7.30pm to 9.00pm - Gràcia, Barcelona

    * Capacity of 10 people: Do not stay out!

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    Raffle: Win a Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • Invitation to participate in a training session.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-08-at-10.44.59.png)
    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-05-02-at-20.15.10.png)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    Raffle: Raúl de Tomás Gómez's shirt autographed

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Participation in the draw to win the Espanyol shirt signed by Raúl de Tomás Gómez.

    • Invitation to participate in a training session.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-26-at-13.03.52.png)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    Sorteo: Camiseta del Espanyol firmada por la plantilla del 1er equipo

    ¿Qué incluye esta recompensa?

    1 participación al sorteo para ganar la camiseta del Espanyol autografiada por los jugadores del 1er equipo.
    Invitación a venir un día de entreno y conocer el proyecto.

    *El sorteo se realizará únicamente entre quienes hayan colaborado con las recompensas del sorteo. Se retransmitirá en vivo desde las instalaciones de la Federación Catalana de Fútbol una vez finalizado el crowdfunding (Julio).

    Importante: ¡Recuerda que te puedes desgravar hasta un 80% de tu aportación! Calcúlalo aquí.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 982

    1 Street Soccer Barcelona's kit + 1 Participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Street Soccer Barcelona shirt and shorts.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • 2 postcards.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/messi-ssb-1.png)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,310

    Discover the best African Gastronomy (x2 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • Discover the best african gastronomy in Barcelona for 2 people, without moving from home.

    Menu A (vegan): (Taboulé de fonio, Ndambé, Ngalakh, Bissap)
    Menu B: (Akara, Veal mafe, Mango cream, Sitó)

    Abarka Cooperativa:

    • The non-profit cooperative was born from the need to self-organize as migrants and racialized people. We believe in the power of gastronomy, as a tool, both to generate job opportunities for people in the community, and to empower those same people, valuing the richness of African cultures. *

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-08-at-10.48.-5.png)
    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-05-02-at-20.25.33.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,637

    1 Street Soccer Barcelona's kit + 1 Participation in the draw to win Barcelona & Espanyol shirts signed by Leo Messi and Raúl de Tomás.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Street Soccer Barcelona shirt and 1 shorts.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Espanyol shirt signed by Raúl de Tomás Gómez.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-26-at-13.10.35.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,056

    Experience 5 senses of African Gastronomy (for 4 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • Travel with the five senses, knowing the history, the story of each dish and other surprises from the hand of Abarka.

    Where and when and what time?
    Barcelona. Saturday of July and August from 1pm to 3pm. (To coordinate according to convenience)

    Abarka Cooperativa:

    • The non-profit cooperative was born from the need to self-organize as migrants and racialized people. We believe in the power of gastronomy, as a tool, both to generate job opportunities for people in the community, and to empower those same people, valuing the richness of African cultures. *

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-11.51.00.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Play a friendly football match with your team!
    • 1 hour of football game.
    • Juice + Snack for each player after the match.
    • Thank you postcard from Street Soccer Barcelona.

    Date, place and time:

    • To coordinate according to convenience. Barcelona.

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-12.09.13.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 50,213

    Official Sponsor
    • Name of the new Community Soccer Space (we reserve the "right of admission") .
    • Acknowledgment and description on our website and social networks.
    • Your logo on the players tshits of the new group.

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Social-sport project for homeless people or people in acute social precariousness.

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Field Rental
Futsal court
$ 12,662
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Human Resources + Insurance
- General manager: Coordination with social entities, their derivations, and personalized monitoring of those who participate in the project.
$ 16,156
Sports Equipment
Balls, bibs, chinos, whistles, first aid kit.
$ 4,366
Post workout snacks
Moment of sharing among the participating people. Team cohesion.
$ 5,458
Football Coach
So far we work a lot with a team of volunteers but we want to be able to hire a coach to guarantee a better quality work in the long term and consistency over time. Person in charge of organising weekly training sessions and monitoring the group.
$ 18,339
Sports Campus
3-night rural getaway between all team participants. An opportunity to get out of the city, get to know each other better, work horizontally, learn more about different cultures and spend time in nature doing group activities outdoors.
$ 54,580
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Sports kits
- Boots - Socks - Tshirts - Shorts - Goalkeeper gloves
$ 6,986
Team lunch
Group meal among all project participants to promote group cohesion and get to know each other better.
$ 7,204
Total $ 45,628 $ 125,751

General information

About us?

Street Soccer Barcelona (SSB) is a non-profit association committed to the fight against the exclusion of people who are houseless or
in other situations at risk of social exclusion and utilizes football as a tool to promote inclusion.
We seek to improve the quality of life of people and, at the same time, involve the general population in this integration process in order to achieve a more cohesive society.

We currently have two Community Football Spaces where we offer free training for those who need it the most. We work directly with referrals from entities, but, due to lack of resources, we are not being able to meet all the demand that contacts us.

We really need to open a third day of weekly training so that no one is left out!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

👉 Features:

Social-sport balance:

We not only play football, but we organize recreational activities to work on cohesion, learn and improve the language and create a space of identity and shelter within the team.

In collaboration with social entities:

Working through referrals allows us to have a better knowledge of the situation of each participant and helps us understand them better and attend to the different needs of those who participate.

👉 Main objectives:

We use the positive values of football to:

  • Empower and improve people's quality of life
  • Promote social cohesion
  • Breaking prejudices, stereotypes and stigmatization
  • Build a sense of belonging
  • Promote healthy routines

Why this is important

👉 For whom?

We want to open a 3 day of practice for young migrants who have recently arrived to Barcelona unaccompanied. Since 2005, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people who try to arrive, risking their lives on many occasions, to Spanish and European territory through the so-called southern border.

Faced with the emergency situation on the southern border, various social organizations and public institutions respond with humanitarian attention to people who have just arrived in the territory of the State. Street Soccer Barcelona collaborates directly with referrals from these organizations to offer a sports program for those who need it most.

Most of the people are in conditions of great vulnerability and have suffered great suffering during their journey. It is extremely important for them to participate in collective activities, play sports and find a space of respite where they can clear their minds, enjoy themselves, make new friends and find a place of refuge amidst so much uncertainty.

👉 Why?

Sport is a universal right and the practice of a team sport transforms lives. Soccer has the ability to transmit positive values such as teamwork, camaraderie, cooperation, cohesion, a sense of belonging, tolerance, sportsmanship or respect for others, which are then translated into all aspects of life.

Football is a universal sport, and, in a context of such diversity of nationalities, cultures and languages, it is the perfect tool to connect while having fun and enjoying together.


Team and experience

Despite being a young association (founded in June 2018), in recent years we have had great growth due to the great demand for participation. Currently Street Soccer Barcelona offers 2 Community Soccer Spaces and also a team competing in the Barcelona School Council Sports League. In 2019 we have had more than 2348 assists.

The association currently has 2 people working part-time + a varied team of volunteers very committed to the project (coaches, photographers, athletes, accountants, etc).


👉 La Vanguardia: https://www.lavanguardia.com/deportes/20200915/483504499446/street-soccer-barcelona-con-el-futbol-como-herramienta-de-inclusion.html

👉 El Periódico: https://www.elperiodico.com/es/barcelona/20200820/el-futbol-como-herramienta-para-la-insercion-social-8082033

👉 International Scoreboard: https://www.marcadorint.com/portadas/street-soccer-barcelona/

🏆 2019: 1st prize Running for Commitment ** (Barcelona City Council)
2019/20: Project selected to participate in the 1st Edition of the Social Entrepreneurship Program * (organized by Fundación AGBAR and Tandem Social). *


✔️ [Season 2019]
screenshot-2021-03-01-at-09.55.18.png screenshot-2021-04-08-at-11.34.15.png screenshot-2021-04-08-at-11.38.10.png

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development