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MÁS QUE UN TECHO - Un Documental Social

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Finished 03 / 09 / 2021
$ 2,502
$ 2,383
$ 8,166
46 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16


    Whether you are an association or individual person, we appreciate any support you can offer!
    If you help us with a donation of €15, we'll say thank you with:
    A link to the documentary

    You will recieve your reward via email once the campaign has finished

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    • Receive a link to watch the film online
    • Receive a digital collection of stills from the film

    You will recieve your rewards via email once the campaign has finished

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    • Receive a link to watch the film online
    • Receive a digital collection of stills from the film
    • A complete written account of Mohammed's journey

    You will recieve your rewards via email once the campaign has finished

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    • Receive a link to watch the film online
    • Receive a digital collection of stills from the film
    • A complete written account of Mohammed's journey
    • Feature in the credits of the film
    • Invitation to in-person screening of the film, for two people

    You will recieve your reward via email once the campaign has finished

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 542

    • Receive a link to watch the film online
    • Receive a digital collection of stills from the film
    • A complete written account of Mohammed's journey
    • Feature in the credits of the film as patron (Name and/or logo)
    • Invitation to in-person screening of the film, for two people
    • Granted the right to project the film at own events

    You will recieve your reward via email once the campaign has finished

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,083

    • Receive a link to watch the film online
    • Receive a digital collection of stills from the film
    • A complete written account of Mohammed's journey
    • Appear as co-producer in the credits of the film (Name and/or logo)
    • Thank you on social media channels
    • Invitation to all in-person screenings of the films with +1
    • Granted the right to project the film at own event with attendance of representative of production team

    You will recieve your reward via email once the campaign has finished

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

2 Africans who came to Spain as children are helped by local families when they lose all state aid. Will you support the project?

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Submit films to a select number of festivals to broaden audience
We would shortlist festivals and submit the film to the most relevant festivals, which attract wide audiences. Each festival requires a tailored application.
$ 542
Landing page and Social Media
Construct a landing page to offer people interested in the initiative further information and direct them to ways in which they can support
$ 542
Preparation of one main screening
We will arrange a screening for the people and organisations that have made the project possible
$ 542
In person attendance of film festivals to present the film
Where possible we plan to go to nearby festivals to maximise the distribution of the documentary.
$ 542
Media Relations
Collaborate with journalists to produce multimedia content (a shortened edit) to complement written story.
$ 542
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Festival submissions
Most festivals charge a registration fee, the average price is 50€
$ 542
Production of DVDs and printing of promotional material
Professionally burned DVDs and postcards, posters and business cards
$ 217
Preparation of the Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
Many festivals require receipt of the film as a DCP, this package of files needs to be compiled carefully and tested.
$ 190
Purchase of credits for festival registration platforms
Festival submissions can be made through platforms that act agents, the price of one submission is usually between 1.5 and 3 euros. A normal distribution would be submitting a short to 100 festivals.
$ 325
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
We will reserve this amount for Goteo’s commission and any bank charges for the minimum target.
$ 217
We will reserve this amount for Goteo’s commission and any bank charges for the optimum target.
$ 720
Payment for the production team
Payment for the Directors/Producers/Editors (team of 3) for 8 months of production.
$ 3,249
Total $ 2,383 $ 8,166

General information

As children, Mohamed and Bilal were deceived by the myth of the European Dream and, in a scenario with which we are sadly familiar, made the dangerous journey from Africa, unaccompanied. Now, as young adults, their lives have become even more precarious as they have lost the right to state support.

However, a new social initiative by NGO BarcelonActua offers them the opportunity to live with local families. This relationship between young people and their unlikely new housemates takes on a meaning far beyond shelter and company. Now they have the opportunity to work towards their goals without having to worry about meeting their basic needs.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

MORE THAN A ROOF is a short documentary that tells the stories of Mohammed, a young man who left Ghana and his family when he was only 13 years old, and of Bilal who migrated from Morocco when he was only 10 years old.

What differentiates this short film from others is that the protagonists have experienced the dangerous journey first-hand and have experienced what it is like to live in Spain with the harmful label of 'MENA' (an unaccompanied child migrant). Despite their very difficult situation, they both show a great deal of resilience, and the documentary captures them at a key moment in their lives.

Our short film has the following objectives:

1 - Challenge the stereotype faced by young inmigrants, offering an alternative narrative.

2 - Create awareness about the high risk of social exclusion and homelessness of this group. Throughout 2019, 1,100 immigrant minors under state protection in Catalonia, turned 18 years old. Without enough social housing and unable to work, in just three years the number of homeless young people living in shelters in Barcelona has doubled.

3 - Attract prospective families to the BarcelonActua ‘Host Family’ initiative, as these families can be a great practical solution to this problem. There are currently 90 young people living in the BarcelonActua hostels who can benefit from this initiative. To date, the NGO has successfully attracted the support of 7 families, and they have seen great results.

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Why this is important

We recognised the racist treatment that this group receives and began to learn about the legal and bureaucratic situation that leaves them in a no-win situation.

We knew that we had to get to know some of the young guys who BarcelonaActua supports and tell their side of the story, as their voice is not heard in the debate. We began to create this documentary, with the intention of introducing the audience to individuals that they could relate to and raise awareness of their daily reality.

We started shooting as a self-funded, small team. Now we need your help to get the stories of Mohammed and Bilal heard.


This project will appeal to all those who share an interest in knowing the stories of the anonymous immigrants we pass on the street or who are sat opposite us on the train, of those young people who, when they were children, left their families to achieve something better and found their hands tied.

It is also aimed at those people who want to show solidarity with immigrants and learn about BarcelonActua's ‘Host Family’ project, since the documentary gives a personal view of this house share.

We invite individuals, entities and organizations that feel committed to supporting this group that faces so much racism and hostility to be part of this project.

Finally, we also address all those documentary lovers who understand culture as a tool for social change.

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Team and experience

We are an international team of independent filmmakers. The executive producers on this project are OTOXO Productions.

Otoxo has been producing independent social documentaries for more than a decade. They produce for television and the media, both in Spain and internationally.

Our latest documentary is called LA LUCHA LIMPIA, also produced by OTOXO Productions.

LA LUCHA LIMPIA unmasks the dark side of Barcelona's hotel industry by following Las Kellys, the union formed by hotel cleaners to fight their exploitative conditions.

The team:
Rachel Watts
Roberta Phillips
Olivia Davies

Roberta and Rachel are from the UK and have been living in Barcelona for 8 and 5 years, respectively. Olivia is from Australia and lived in Barcelona for a year and is now working on the project remotely from Australia.

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Social commitment