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  • Contributing $ 10


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 31


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 52


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    • Cider bottle with personalized label of the project.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    The rewards will be awarded at the preview of the short film. In case of not being able to attend the pre-premiere, we will send them to your home. Shipping costs are exclusively included nationally.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 104


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    • Cider bottle with personalized label of the project.

    • Pass for the preview.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    The rewards will be awarded at the preview of the short film. In case of not being able to attend the pre-premiere, we will send them to your home. Shipping costs are exclusively included nationally.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 156


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    • Cider bottle with personalized label of the project.

    • Double pass for the preview.

    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    The rewards will be awarded at the preview of the short film. In case of not being able to attend the pre-premiere, we will send them to your home. Shipping costs are exclusively included nationally.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 260


    • Recognition in the credits.

    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    • Cider bottle with personalized label of the project.

    • Double pass for the preview.

    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.

    • A piece of props from the shoot.

    • A dedicated scene on the clapperboard.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    The rewards will be awarded at the preview of the short film. In case of not being able to attend the pre-premiere, we will send them to your home. Shipping costs are exclusively included nationally.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 520


    • Exclusive link to the making off and photographs of the shooting days.

    • Link with online viewing of the short film.

    • Memoirs of Negu Hurbilak (Digital dossier of the project).

    • Cider bottle with personalized label of the project.

    • Double pass for the preview.

    • Poster of the short film dedicated personally by the team.

    • A piece of props from the shoot.

    • A dedicated scene on the clapperboard.

    • Physical copy (DVD) exclusive of the short film.

    • Mask exclusive to Inauteriak (carnival).

    • Special thanks and the possibility of appearing as collaborators / your company logo in the credits.

    ¡With the certificate of Tax rebates, the Hacienda the Inland Revenue will give you back a part. See here how much you can get back Tax rebates:

    The rewards will be awarded at the preview of the short film. In case of not being able to attend the pre-premiere, we will send them to your home. Shipping costs are exclusively included nationally.

    > 03 Co-financiers

Negu Hurbilak filmaren grabaketa amaitu dugu! / ¡Hemos terminado el rodaje de Negu Hurbilak! / Hem finalitzat el rodatge de Negu Hurbilak!

27 | 01 | 2022
Negu Hurbilak filmaren grabaketa amaitu dugu! / ¡Hemos terminado el rodaje de Negu Hurbilak! / Hem finalitzat el rodatge de Negu Hurbilak!

Gabon denoi!

Bi astez lan eta lan jardun ostean, NEGU HURBILAK filmaren grabaketa amaitu dugula adierazi nahi genizueke. Oso gustura gaude emaitzarekin eta postprodukzioa hasteko irrikitan gaude.

Eskerrak eman nahi genizueke berriro ere zuen ekarpenik gabe ez litzatekelako posible izango proiektu hau egin ahal izatea. Jakinen gainean izango zarete hemendik aurrera emango ditugun pausoez.

Negu Hurbilak taldea.

¡Buenos días a todos!

Os informamos de que después de dos semanas intensas de trabajo, el rodaje de NEGU HURBILAK ha finalizado. Todo el equipo estamos muy contentos con lo que hemos rodado y en breves empezaremos la fase de postproducción.

Queremos volver a daros las gracias ya que sin vuestras aportaciones nada de esto estaría siendo posible. ¡Os mantendremos informados de los próximos avances!

Un abrazo,
El equipo de Negu Hurbilak.

Bon dia a tothom!

Us informem que després de dues setmanes intenses de treball, el rodatge de NEGU HURBILAK ha finalitzat. Tot l'equip estem molt contents amb allò que hem rodat i en breus començarem la fase de postproducció.

Volem tornar a donar-vos les gràcies ja que sense les vostres aportacions res d'això estaria sent possible. Us mantindrem informats dels propers avenços!

Una abraçada,
L'equip de Negu Hurbilak.


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