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Unas gotas para el Roure/ Unes gotes per El Roure/ Some drops for El Roure

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Finished 14 / 06 / 2017
$ 460,585
$ 230,216
$ 306,628
283 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 262

    Our deepest gratitude

    Our deepest gratitude

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 49 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 655

    El Roure Digital Magazine

    El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    Collection of selected pedagogical articles

    Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 68 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,528

    FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids

    FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,856

    After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids

    After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate

    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,275

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916


    Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916


    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    Formación anual de El Roure

    Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme

    Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

El Roure (The Oak Tree), an alternative education project which started over 15 years ago is currently in the process of obtaining a school licence. Please, make your contribution so that this educational sprout can keep growing.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Dipòsit d'aigua RESMAT RD/140/2003
Dipòsit de 5000l per la potabilizació i pulmó, marca Resmat S.L. Fabricat en PRFV, apte per a enmagatzematge d'aigua potable segons el Real Decreto 140/2003. Diámetre 1625mm, llargada 2500mm
$ 30,368
Materials destinats a l'obra civil del projecte e instalació
200m de tuberia 1”10bar per la connexió hidràulica, Planxé de formigó de 0,4x2,3x2m, Arqueta de connexionat en aigues baixants de dipòsit 40m3 Arqueta sobre dipòsit de 5m3 per accés humà segons RD 140/2003
$ 10,567
Materiales para la instalación hidráulica y eléctrica del proyecto
Bomba pressión Prisma 15 4M 230V 245,3€, Válvula contrapresión regulable 154,4€, Control nivel pozo/depósito C2n-MV 76,53€, Iluminación caseta 200€, Pequeño material instalación 850€, Conjunto sondas 6c 38,5€, Releco S30B base rail 7€, Armario termoplàstico 41,99€, Interruptor magneto 2P 10A 14,57€, Interruptor diferencial 2P 40A 30mA 36,79€, Contactor modular 25A 44,43€, Grupo pressión modular 25A 2Na 230V 518€ + IVA
$ 64,098
Boles de cerámica
Previsión de gastos para la elaboración de 80 boles de cerámica Material: 5 PASTILLAS de LOSA de 12,5 Kg. (40 €) Engalba, esmalte de bajo transparente mate (G1005) 30€ Lapiz cerámico, gruesos cerámicos 30- 60€ Cajas de cartón para el envio 50€ Envío: 2.20€ por pieza 70h de trabajo: 4-5 JORNADAS per tornear 80 piezas 3-4 JORNADAS per retornear 80 piezas 1 JORNADA per engalbar las piezas (pintar) 1 JORNADA per esmaltar las piezas 1 COCCIÓN de biscuit 2 COCCIÓN de baja temperatura Unas 70 horas de trabajo + cocción + material + envío
$ 13,754
Equipo medidor de cloro y pH de la firma SEKO INSTRUMENTS, incluye: sondas de medición, soluciones patrón para ajuste y calibración, bomba de recirculación, instrucciones y formación.
$ 39,690
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Infraestructura de l'obra civil del projecto
Construcción de una caseta 2x2x1,5m con bloques de cemento de 15 para los equipos de bombeo y cloración, Acabado exterior rebozado con tejado árabe, 190m de obra civil de zanjas para el enterramiento de las tuberías, Agujero de 3x3x2m para el enterramiento del depósito, Construcción de pared de bloque alrededor del pozo 1,2x1,x0,4m con colocación de tapa
$ 15,850
Permiso de obras
Permiso de obras por parte del ayuntamineto de Mediona
$ 3,056
Barandilla de la zona de Cirerers a aulas inferiores, Ventilación forzada WC's Ginesta , Ventilación forzada WC's Cirerers, Nivelado parking 1, Cinturón en interface hormigón-tierra parking 1, Ampliación parking 2, Trabajos de nivelado zona área de juegos Movimiento de tierras y construcción de un canal de hormigón para evitar El acceso de aguas provenientes de la parte superior de la finca, Cercado de la zona de juegos con cierre metálico, Desvío de aguas en camino hacia el parking 1, Permiso de obras Ayuntamiento de Mediona, Tasas de administración, Análisis agua potabilizada,
$ 76,411
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Mano de obra para la instalación hidráulica y eléctrica del proyecto
A cargo de Artur Romeu Borrull
$ 31,700
Mano de obra de la Obra civil del proyecto
A cargo de Obres i Excavacions Escala S.L.
$ 21,133
Total $ 230,216 $ 306,628

General information

El Roure is an alternative education centre located in the Alt Penedès area (Catalonia) for children aged 3 to 16 which started its activities in 2001. Its long journey is full of experiences which have always been backed by shared stimulus and the connection to look for a new educational model. This model is based on a holistic vision of humankind as well as on the respect for our innate, vast capacity to learn in an emotionally protected environment.
External acknowledgement has steadily increased and today El Roure is seen as one of the models in the scope of alternative education in Spain given its long experience and stage of consolidation. This is the natural outcome of maintaining the strength of the original research for 20 years despite adversities. At present, El Roure takes part in university pedagogical conferences (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de València, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, etc.) as well as in training courses (both in our centre and elsewhere), talks, debates and seminars, where the school’s experience and its own pedagogical line are explained.
Some years ago, El Roure embarked on a new challenge: getting a licence for the school. We want the educational system of our country to legitimately acknowledge schools like ours because we believe the educational system should embrace the diversity of educational models that we, as families and professionals, want. This way, every family would be able to freely choose an educational option.
Our present challenge has generated many works, refurbishments and expenses in order to comply with the regulations set by the Catalan Ministry of Education. A long track has been walked but an important goal is yet to be attained: having treated water in the school.
El Roure is located in a rural estate called Mas Solé, in the outskirts of Sant Joan de Mediona, a privileged village in the Alt Penedès area, within the Province of Barcelona.
The estate gets its water from a 280 m. deep well and the analyses reveal the excellent quality of the water. Since control tests are not being made on a regular basis to guarantee human consumption, the well’s water has so far been used in toilets and washbasins while each child comes to school with his/her own drinking water.
The Health regulation drawn by the Catalan Ministry of Education requires that all public installations have chlorinated water only. This same regulation sets that all water points in the school must be supplied with chlorinated water.
The distance to the village of Sant Joan de Mediona and the altitude where the estate is located makes it costly and technically difficult to connect to the village’s water supply grid.
Therefore, we need to channel the well’s water up to a tank where we must set up a chlorination system for water treatment. After this, water can be distributed to all points in the school.
The said works to channel and chlorinate water entail costs in the range of 10,000 €. El Roure is an autonomous project and its sustainability mainly depends on our involvement (often for free), our capacity to cooperate and organise, and our personal contribution (individually or as a group), which help us to deal with unforeseen issues, one-time requirements or maintenance of premises.
At present, after many expenses related to the process of obtaining a licence, it is difficult for us to cope with those related to water treatment. Consequently, El Roure Cooperative and El Roure Family Association have decided to raise a collective joint financing campaign.
We need your help to keep this dream alive, which we know is collective and it has effects beyond the school. It is a precursor initiative to many other projects with the same characteristics and it proposes a lifestyle that is committed to a better future. A future that encourages respect for people regardless of cultures and political and economic interests; a future that will see to individual freedom of choice on the development of one’s own potential; a future where people can live in harmonious integration within their own communities and, a future in which there is peaceful and respectful communication and coexistence between people and communities.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

El Roure takes part in a large educational movement of renovation and innovation which started to appear in Spain and especially in Catalonia, as from the year 2000. This movement has its sources in 20th century Western pedagogic trends which first took form in Spain during the 2nd Republic and later on during the so-called Pedagogic Renovation of the 70’s. The latter was promoted by Educational Authorities which favoured the creation and development of a large number of cooperative pedagogical projects founded by families and professionals.
From the year 2000, this new revival comes from the need to go a step further along with the same trend at an international level. This is especially true in the US and Northern European countries where experiences based on a new vision of childhood needs and the research for a new adult position with regard to child upbringing had also been developed. This new pedagogy is based on science progress (quantum physics, systems theory or systemic therapy, neurobiology, integrative psychotherapy, etc.) as well as on being alert in view of an increasingly unbalanced, divided, violent and technological world.
The pedagogic background at El Roure is sustained on a conceptual basis which permanently guides our own pedagogic research through everyday’s experience with children and their families. This conceptual base is inspired in different models among which we find Seitai and Systemic therapy pedagogy. We find partial similarities in other 20th century pedagogic models such as Montessori, Neill, Makarenko, Vygotski, Freinet, Piaget, Malaguzzi, Freire, Illich, Holt, Wild, etc.
El Roure is a meeting point for families and the school’s team to accompany children regarding the experience of their upbringing and during the whole individual process of each child up to adolescence. The fact of accompanying is two-folded: on the one hand, we have a respectful environment which is rich in experiences for children within a collective context and, on the other hand, a communication means with parents fostering observation, sensitive perception and reflection in order to support and enrich the experience of upbringing our children.
At El Roure we look for a solid, rooted and live learning experience. To make all this possible, the process must include: the inner desire and need for it, being respectful of one’s own pace and path, the possibility to connect with what we are intuitively and involuntarily attracted to, with what we want or consciously are interested in... and being be able to freely make progress towards such experience.


Why this is important

Our main MOTIVATION: the future of new generations composed of bright people, eager to learn, to overcome prejudices, connected to their own essence, receptive to other people’s needs and willing to develop the human potential inside them to lead a happy life.
The school addresses to those families with children between 3 and 16 years old who wish a respectful type of education for their children and who are prepared to take a more active role as parents as well as undergo a process of emotional maturity and personal growth through this kind of education.
In addition, it addresses to those who wish to be trained in new educational approaches within a project with over 20 years’ experience with children.
This project also addresses to people who are socially committed and feel that this change in education is the most beneficial one for us all in a collective way.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The actions to be carried out concentrate around the work the Experiencia Educativa El Roure must develop to fulfil every administrative requirement in order to be licensed as a day-care and primary education centre.
In order to fulfil such requirements, an action plan has been developed regarding the treatment of the well’s water with chlorine. The resulting expenses correspond to the Minimum amount to be obtained with this campaign. The rest of the line items related to the project’s license such as refurbishing the toilets in the school areas and the levelling of several areas would be included in the Optimum amount of this campaign.
All engineering and site management works, changing the water use of the estate’s well from irrigation to drinking water, the action project to treat the well’s water both at basic and detailed engineering levels, the modification of the well’s cover following instructions set by Royal Decree 140/2003 among other items are being assumed at no cost by Pablo Osorno, a member of the Experiencia Educativa El Roure.
We have started by updating data on the well. The quality of its water is very high and has been used for a long time as drinking and irrigation water, but current legislation requires it is disinfected by means of chlorination in order to guarantee its purification.
Actions to be carried out:

  • By means of the pump placed at the bottom of the well (287 m deep) water will be taken to a tank reservoir which will also be used as chlorinator. Chlorination products will be added there in recirculation through an automatic regulation procedure so that dosage is efficient and complies with the levels of free and residual chlorine required by law.
  • The pumping and purification systems including control devices will be placed inside a purposely built cabin.
  • Once the water is chlorinated, water must be sent to its destination, namely to every water access point in the school. This must be done in an efficient way by taking advantage of the various ground levels so that energy can be saved.
  • The above said systems consist of two main pumps: one is for water recirculation which makes the amount of chemicals be the minimum necessary and ensures the sound purification of water by optimising consumptions and always bearing in mind that the environmental impact should be minimal. The other is the one used to channel water to the points of use and is equipped with a pressure regulator that must ensure the same energy saving criteria as above.
  • The well will be fitted with a double-door cover to make access easier and be able to read data from the flowmetre.
  • The water tank reservoir will be buried so that the visual impact is minimal and therefore it becomes unnecessary to build an additional construction that, in time, would decay due to temperature oscillations.
  • Another area of action will be the toilets. Although the high ceilings in our school have always enabled very good air renovation, regulations dictate that forced air ventilation must be set up. Additionally, it is necessary to tile the toilet in the primary education section.
  • The third front of works to be done is levelling various areas in the centre. Our school is located in a natural environment and in harmony with such nature. It will be necessary to level all areas because regulations dictate so and, since the right machinery is to be in the school for these works, we shall improve the parking area and enlarge it as much as we can in the available plot.
  • Lastly, it will be necessary to see to expenses that are complementary to the project we want and need to carry out such as permits, taxes, analyses, etc.

Team and experience

El Roure opened in 2001 at its current location in the Alt Penedès area (Barcelona). It was founded by Begoña González and Cristóbal Gutiérrez, as a new step in their evolution towards the concept of an alternative school. This took place after founding La Casita in 1996 in the neighbourhood of Gràcia in Barcelona. It has been 20 years of a journey, of living experiences and constant learning.
Our pedagogic team is formed by 8 professional people who accompany the children in the school and whose main potential is their human quality and their vital experience, their passion for this pedagogic project and their attitude to improve and keep learning.
At present, we are a group of over 40 families who trust this project, who support the educational team on a daily basis and who are involved in the education of our children beyond the walls of El Roure.
All of us make up this group of people who believe that another type of education is possible. We are fully thrilled about growing, researching and learning from a collective experience which nurtures us as persons, as mothers and fathers.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.