Contributing $ 11
You´re a Star!
You are now part of our project and for that we´ll mention you on our website!
> 11 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Up! Energía
You are now part of our project and for that we´ll mention you on our website!
At Up! we are so excited to receive your support, that we´ll send you a thank you card and we´ll mention you on our website!
Spice up your food! - Gastronomic salt with BBQ spices, made by the workers of Cooperative TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Sweeten your day! Delicious chocolate cake mix in a bottle, made by the workers of Cooperative TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Because some stories are worth sharing, especially with the little ones of the house, we offer the book ´El Jardin Subterráneo´ by Cho Sunkyung, in Spanish. A beautiful story about how to improve the world around us. And of course, we´ll mention you on our website!
Do you want to be the first person to receive our amazing coffee pellets? You will receive a 5kg bag (when ready) and of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Ticket for the concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan, one drink included.
The concert will be held on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date).
Watch Danielle´s video in our news section or our social media to see what to expect!
Be one of the first 25 people to sign up for our concert and get a discount! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Let´s color the world! Receive a set of 6 Colors of Acrilic paint, made by the workers of Cooperativa TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
We´re in love with Barcelona, amongst other reasons, because of the beautiful social projects it boasts. Let us show you 4 of these initiatives and hear first hand how they came to be and see the impact they make on the immigrant communities they work with, and we are sure you will fall in love with them too! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Music gives us good energy! and that is something we really like here at Up!. Come to our concert and let yourself be swept away by singer Danielle Pellikaan and a spectacular band! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Ticket for the concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan, one drink included.
The concert will be held on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date).
Watch Danielle´s video in our news section or our social media to see what to expect!
Part of our work is driving around to pick up the coffee waste (in electric vehicles of course!). With your donation you are contributing directly to Oussama getting his driving licence, which will allow him to lead the logistics team. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Come to our concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan! It will take place on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date). The ticket includes a drink. Watch Danielle´s video in the news items or our social media to get a sense of what to expect!
Thanks to your donation we´ll be able to hire one person for Up! Our dream come true! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
To be an Up! sponsor gives lots of good energy! We´ll put your logo on the website and spread the word about your sponsorship on the different social networks!
Be one of the first 10 to sign up for our workshop on Circular Economy and get a discount! And we´ll mention you on our website!
At Up! we are all about the Circular Economy and therefore we´d like to offer this personalised workshop on Circular Economy for your team, where we´ll analyse and discover new opportunities in this area. And we'll mention you on our website!
At Up! we love what we do and we´d love to share our day to day with you and your team. Come create some energy with this corporate volunteering opportunity. And we´ll mention you on our website!
Up! is part of an amazing social ecosystem and we´d like to invite you to discover it with us. Like to personal social tour we´ll take your group on a tour showcasing amazing social initiatives that work with migrants. But we´d like to go even one step further - to tailor the day to your groups interests and expectations. Let´s design your day over a cup of coffee! And we´ll mention you on our website.
You´re a Star!
You are now part of our project and for that we´ll mention you on our website!
> 11 Co-financiers
Up! Up! Up!
At Up! we are so excited to receive your support, that we´ll send you a thank you card and we´ll mention you on our website!
> 19 Co-financiers
Salty Cravings
Spice up your food! - Gastronomic salt with BBQ spices, made by the workers of Cooperative TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 06 Co-financiers
Sweet Chocolate
Sweeten your day! Delicious chocolate cake mix in a bottle, made by the workers of Cooperative TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 06 Co-financiers
Green Reading
Because some stories are worth sharing, especially with the little ones of the house, we offer the book ´El Jardin Subterráneo´ by Cho Sunkyung, in Spanish. A beautiful story about how to improve the world around us. And of course, we´ll mention you on our website!
> 13 Co-financiers
Pellet Party
Do you want to be the first person to receive our amazing coffee pellets? You will receive a 5kg bag (when ready) and of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 11 Co-financiers
Live it Up! - Early bird
Ticket for the concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan, one drink included.
The concert will be held on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date).
Watch Danielle´s video in our news section or our social media to see what to expect!
Be one of the first 25 people to sign up for our concert and get a discount! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 03 Co-financiers
Color Up!
Let´s color the world! Receive a set of 6 Colors of Acrilic paint, made by the workers of Cooperativa TEB, who work with people with learning disabilities. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 02 Co-financiers
Social Tour
We´re in love with Barcelona, amongst other reasons, because of the beautiful social projects it boasts. Let us show you 4 of these initiatives and hear first hand how they came to be and see the impact they make on the immigrant communities they work with, and we are sure you will fall in love with them too! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 01 Co-financiers
Live it Up!
Music gives us good energy! and that is something we really like here at Up!. Come to our concert and let yourself be swept away by singer Danielle Pellikaan and a spectacular band! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
Ticket for the concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan, one drink included.
The concert will be held on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date).
Watch Danielle´s video in our news section or our social media to see what to expect!
> 07 Co-financiers
Move Up!
Part of our work is driving around to pick up the coffee waste (in electric vehicles of course!). With your donation you are contributing directly to Oussama getting his driving licence, which will allow him to lead the logistics team. And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 09 Co-financiers
Come to our concert by our partner and singer Danielle Pellikaan! It will take place on Saturday the 20th of October around midday in Barcelona (exact location will be communicated closer to date). The ticket includes a drink. Watch Danielle´s video in the news items or our social media to get a sense of what to expect!
> 00 Co-financiers
Hall of Fame
Thanks to your donation we´ll be able to hire one person for Up! Our dream come true! And of course we´ll mention you on our website!
> 10 Co-financiers
Partner Up! - Group and Company special
To be an Up! sponsor gives lots of good energy! We´ll put your logo on the website and spread the word about your sponsorship on the different social networks!
> 07 Co-financiers
Circular Up! - Group and Company special - Early bird
Be one of the first 10 to sign up for our workshop on Circular Economy and get a discount! And we´ll mention you on our website!
> 01 Co-financiers
Circular Up! - Group and Company special
At Up! we are all about the Circular Economy and therefore we´d like to offer this personalised workshop on Circular Economy for your team, where we´ll analyse and discover new opportunities in this area. And we'll mention you on our website!
> 00 Co-financiers
Team Up! - Group and Company special
At Up! we love what we do and we´d love to share our day to day with you and your team. Come create some energy with this corporate volunteering opportunity. And we´ll mention you on our website!
> 00 Co-financiers
Social Tour - personalised for groups of mas 15 people.
Up! is part of an amazing social ecosystem and we´d like to invite you to discover it with us. Like to personal social tour we´ll take your group on a tour showcasing amazing social initiatives that work with migrants. But we´d like to go even one step further - to tailor the day to your groups interests and expectations. Let´s design your day over a cup of coffee! And we´ll mention you on our website.
> 00 Co-financiers
Become part of the movement, by helping us spread the word on social media